
Friday, March 1, 2013

DePaul University Enforcing Pro-Choice

Hat tip Daily Caller

                                                                   Could that be Norman Finkelstein in disguise?

DePaul University is the Catholic institution that hired Professor Norman Finkelstein, a stigma they will carry for a hundred years. Now they have a new claim to fame. Daily Caller has a report on a student who is being disciplined and forced to write a "Reflection Letter" for publicizing the names of 13 students who vandalized a display against abortion.

I can just visulaize it now:

Justice for the DePaul 13!!

Just a thought: Has anyone informed the Pope about this?

If Mr Del Campo needs any help writing that reflection letter, I'll be glad to help.

"Upon reflection.......

And who is Norman Finkelstein, you ask?

You don't wanna know.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

A google search turns up five pages of angry blogs copying each other (including some plagiarizing Gary), but nothing official from De Paul. Until the dust clears, I'll refrain from forming any opinions in the absence of reliable data.