The images keep coming out of Egypt where our heroic democratic reformers keep that Arab Spring flowing. The below video purports to show a man who has been set on fire by a mob for some offense or other against Allah (viewer discretion advised).
The second incident shows two accused thieves hung by their feet by a mob and killed (again viewer discretion advised).
Meanwhile, John Kerry keeps announcing more aid and money going to the Muslim Brotherhood government of Egypt in the vain hope that we are helping build democratic foundations in that country and keeping the peace with Israel. What fools we have for leaders. And you know what the next step will be?
Visas to the US. Not for the Coptic Christians, mind you-no matter how much they are being persecuted. Hardly. What we shall soon see is a flood of the same people who carry out these atrocities to our shores so they can spread their hate here in the US. Don't believe me? Remember Somalia.
Gary, you are doing a gross disservice to the democratic opposition in Egypt, disorganized though they are, by sarcastically pinning all these atrocities on those who are NOT satisfied with Morsi's rule.
Also, isn't summary justice for thieves what a lot of American conservatives have been advocating since the mid-1960s???
Not that I am aware of.
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