
Wednesday, March 6, 2013

An Honest Assessment of Hillary Clinton as SecState

Richard Grenell has written the below op-ed in Fox News highlighting how the US media ignored Hillary Clinton's mediocre performance as Secretary of State.

Pretty much says it all in my view. It is the same fawning we have seen the media engage in with President Obama. I don't like to harp on campus newspaper writers because they are students, but I read one recently that tried to make the case that Clinton was the greatest secretary of state in our history. The writer then went into a litany of statistics that described her record-breaking travel and the number of countries she visited. Big deal.

I won't deny her work ethic. She is a serious person with much more substance than say Janet Napolitano or Nancy Pelosi. The fact remains, however, that Clinton has no diplomatic successes to boast of as the writer points out. She does have one very serious fiasco on her record-Benghazi. No need to repeat the details here. In my view, Benghazi,  before, during, and  after 9-11-12 should forever disqualify her from any higher office.

But it won't. The media will continue to support her and suppress the bad news. We all know she will run for president in 2016, and in my view, she will probably win. It is truly amazing how our news media has played a significant role in producing what we now call "low information" voters.


Squid said...

The term "low information" voters is in my opinion, a P.C. blurb. I choose the term, "useful idiots", because it brings forth the ideology that the Progressives are imposing upon them.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

We all know she will run for president in 2016, and in my view, she will probably win.

You're such a pessimist Gary.