"Heigh ho
Heigh ho
It's off to jail we go"
In one of the most brazen political corruption cases in memory, 5 out of 6 former officials of the city of Bell, California (near Los Angeles) were convicted by a jury.
"A lawyer for Hernandez said during the trial that his client was unschooled, illiterate and not the type of "scholar" who understood the city's finances."
He was the mayor!!
Hopefully, these crooks will get the max.
Update: The judge has sent the jurors back to continue deliberations on the counts they were deadlocked on.
OK, I know the west coast pokes fun at the east coast and visa versa. Trust me, my comments are not made in that spirit. But he cannot read, cannot write, cannot understand a basic budget and a town of 38,500 people elected this man as mayor?? You're kidding me, right? Are the 38,500 good citizens of Bell illiterate also? Did the candidate's illiteracy even come up? This is absurd. No wonder the city got scammed.
I live in North Carolina and our small towns in the south get people poking fun at them frequently. I guarantee all their elected officials can read what they are signing. I feel sorry for the guy. Someone help him find a class so he can learn to read and write. Bless his heart, he must be a strong man to get this far in life. Good for him. Bad for the people of Bell who didn't even superficially get to know anything about who they are electing to run their city.
Sorry, forgot a point. North Carolina is already a "Right to Work" state.
See, politicians in North Carolina do dumb, ignorant things too. It ought to be a felony to indulge the flagrant corruption of accepting inducements to vote in favor of Right to Work for Less legislation. (All those who vote for such abominations are bribed... every one of them).
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