
Monday, February 11, 2013

The Effort to Stifle Discussion of Islam Continues

So now we can't use the word, "Islamist"?

My friend and colleague, Karen Lugo, has written the below piece for National Review on how the Islamists are attempting to shut down honest and open discussion of Islam and the acts of terror and hate being carried out around the world by Islamists-yes, Islamists as opposed to just Muslims

Frontpage Magazine is running an article on an incident at New Jersey's Montclair University involving the campus Muslim Student Association and a picture of 9-11.

Bias Response Team??!!

While it is unfortunate and unfair that any ordinary Muslims would be painted as 9-11 terrorists, given the MSA's history of their own events and the slanders against Israelis, maybe they should examine themselves. Have their own activities and invited speakers caused them to be a focus of suspicion for having a radical bent? If you want to hold controversial events and bring in controversial speakers, you ARE controversial. That's what you ask for; that's what you get.

I don't believe that the average member of a campus Muslim Student Association is radical, but too many times, we see the leadership of these chapters go on to radical activities including joining terror groups.

So sorry to you all you Islamists who want to impose your religious values on the rest of us and dominate us. We will continue to discuss every aspect of the terror, intolerance and violence that is being visited on the world in the name of Islam. And if the day ever comes that this discussion is outlawed, we will just have to go to jail rather than be silenced.

And I think "Islamists" is just as good a term as any to separate peaceful Muslims from those who are not so peaceful, or who think they are going to turn America into a Muslim nation.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

What do you think of "Christianist"?

How about "Judaizer"?

"Islamist" sounds like "practitioner of Islam."

We call Christian tendencies of this nature "Dominion Theology."

How about "Dominion Jihadis"?

Nobody could say that is smearing all Muslims.

Gary Fouse said...


We will choose our own terminology, not let the Islamists dictate it to us.

As for your references to Jews and Christians get back to me when they start a wave of terror around the world, launch wars against other religions, and engage in forced conversions.

Pls don't dredge up the Crusades, Inquisition, and all that. It is ancient history.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Who is "we" Gary?

MY suggestion is offered by an American citizen and a Christian. Did you think Anwar al-Awlaki proposed to refer to al Qaeda as "Dominion Jihadis"? You have such thin skin and knee-jerk reflexes.

Dominion theology is a late 20th century term, not a reference to the Crusades. Ancient history the Crusades (which started by slaughtering Jews) and the Inquisition may be, but they show that ANY religion can be thus perverted, and subsequent history shows that such perversions need not be the final word on what any given religion has to offer.

Islam, after all, was the religion that cured Malcolm X of hating all white people for being white, inspiring him to call instead for universal brotherhood, and reach out to African American Christians.

Oh, you want something RECENT? How about all the German Lutheran pastors who hailed Hitler for implementing some of Martin Luther's worst anti-Semitic utterances?