
Sunday, February 3, 2013

More Nuttery From Al Gore

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

"Gore said that unlike US news networks, al-Jazeera does not carry extensive advertisements from oil companies."

Al Gore is back in the news with his outlandish statements. Fresh off the sale of his share of Current TV to Al Jazeera, which he claims is a responsible and respectable news organization, he now tells Charlie Rose that people like George Soros need to have more influence in American politics.

As if Soros already doesn't.

This week, Gore also praised President Obama for his sophistication (in hoodwinking Republicans).

And that is not all. Here he bemoans the influence of money in US politics to the BBC.

Of course, we all know that Al Gore was never influenced by all that when he was in the Senate and VP. Who do you think pays for his private jet, limousines and fancy hotels-himself?

And. don't forget this past week, Pawxatawnty Phil (phonetic spelling), for the first time in years, predicted an early spring. I'm waiting for Big Al to pounce on that as proof that global warming is real.

This guy is a colossal hypocrite raking in millions with his phony global warming scare as he condemns other rich people who made their money honestly through their own talent and ingenuity, something Gore does not possess.. For him to praise George Soros, who made his billions by speculating on the British pound and causing it to collapse, and now funds every left-wing venture you can name, is disgusting.

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