
Friday, February 22, 2013

Los Angeles' Silly Races

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine

"Why is that these people… these frail, racist white people want to keep us out of this country? It’s not simply because the color of our skin, it’s not simply that they just want to exploit us, let me tell you why: because on this planet right now, six billion people… at the forefront of the movement is La Raza (the race)…”

-Ron Gochez

In case you have not noticed, Los Angeles has a mayoral race in progress. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa will be leaving office soon with bankruptcy soon to follow as he follows his path to the governorship in Sacramento- then on to Washington and who knows what. The media and the left are touting him as the next big Latino political figure.

Even though he is an idiot as anyone who sees him speak in public can readily ascertain. His most memorable achievement  as mayor was his divorce after he got involved with a Spanish-language news reporter who had been assigned to cover him-and cover him she did.

Now we have an election with several city council members running to succeed him. If you watch their TV ads, it runs something like this:

"_____________ is the best candidate to be mayor because he or she has served on the city council or been city comptroller and has the experience to solve LA's massive problems."

Yes. Problems that they, along with Villaraigosa, have created. Oh, there is a candidate or  two running as an outsider, but they have little chance to win against the machine.

So that leaves the question: Who will fill a city council seat being vacated? Well, if the largest local teachers' union has its way, it will be some guy who, like Villaraigosa, has a  background in MEChA, the Mexican-American student association that thinks the Southwest US belongs to Mexico. It gets worse than that. He clearly has a problem with Jews. Meet Ron Gochez.

What this illustrates above all is that it is time that we have the courage to draw the line on the obvious double standard that exists when it comes to bigotry in this country. Have we not progressed to the point when we can hold minority racists and bigots to the same standard that we hold white bigots? I say yes. How can a man with this history of statements aspire to be a city councilman in Los Angeles?

The sad truth is that it can happen. Very easily.


elwood p suggins said...

For those who may have missed it, I believe the motto of La Raza essentially translates as "Everything for The Race. Nothing outside The Race".

Sounds fairly extreme/racist to me.

Gary Fouse said...


Even more brazen than the Nazi spin on the word Volk