
Saturday, January 26, 2013

The Meaning of Jihad

Hat tip MEMRI-TV and Don

This week, Zahra Billoo, the executive director of CAIR in San Francisco, came to speak at UC Irvine (see post) as part of the Muslim Student Union's "Islamic Awareness Week". Coincidentally, Billoo is featured in the below video explaining the meaning of Jihad, which, in her words, means "struggle" to be a better person and better Muslim as opposed to engaging in Islamic holy war.

On Wednesday this week, Imam Muzammil Siddiqi also spoke at UCI. His topic was "Jihad-The struggle for peace". Unfortunately, I could not be present. I would have loved to hear that one. As reported on this site many times, Siddiqi, arguably the most important Islamic religious leader in the US and enjoys a reputation as a "bridge builder." In reality, he has a long history of questionable statements and questionable associations. He has also refused to sign the Freedom Pledge from Former Muslims United (FMU) asking Islamic leaders in America to sign a simple statement that apostates in the US should not be harmed. (Only two out of some 200 have signed.)

According to Islamic texts, the Prophet Mohammed is reported to have said upon returning from battle, "The lesser jihad is done. Now it is time for the greater jihad." That would mean that war is the lesser jihad while the struggle to be a better Muslim is the greater jihad.

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