
Sunday, January 20, 2013

Quote of the Day From Danny "Lethal Weapon" Glover

Hat tip Daily Caller

Danny Glover
Big dope

Actor Danny Glover has a history of making bad movies and stupid statements. Now he comes up with this grab-bag of stupid statements at Texas A&M University. Just what is it about our institutions of higher learning that they keep insisting on stupid speakers to come and talk to students? Here he maintains that the 2nd Amendment was all about defending slavery.

Keep in mind that this freedom-loving B actor is a close friend and supporter of Venezuelan dictator Hugo Chavez. Yet these very same hypocrites love to take every radical left issue and sweep them together in the same speech or essay; global warming, racism, guns, slavery. He is supposedly against violence, but waxes eloquent on the Occupy movement??!!

And yes, I will take issue with his statement that America is a racist society. I will agree that it was a racist society-even when I was a kid. Now I would characterize it more as a  society with lingering racial issues and disagreements, but most of the racist rhetoric we hear these days comes from people like Louis Farrakhan, the New Black Panther Part, and their ilk. Discrimination is against the law in this country in case Glover has not noticed, and whites discriminate and engage in racist conversation at the risk of their reputations and livelihoods.

Finally, where does a guy who makes his living using assault weapons on screen and producing bloody "thrillers" get off complaining about guns in the first place? Hollywood, as we have recently seen, is disclaiming any responsibility with the violent gun culture in America.

Hopefully, the next time we have to endure Danny Glover in the news, he will be attending Hugo Chavez's funeral in Venezuela.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Glover is certainly wrong on this point, although I don't know its his fault the casting team kept pairing him up with Mel "Are you a Jew?" Gibson.

The meaning of the Second Amendment is better encapsulated in this excerpt from a biography of Louis Andre Martinet, found at Oxford African American Study Center:

In 1889 Martinet began publishing the Crusader in English and French, a weekly newspaper covering civil rights struggles in Louisiana and nationally, which expanded to daily publication. In 1894 it was the only black paper in the United States and the only Republican paper in the southern states, described by Martinet and other editors as “the enemy of wrong and injustice, the friend and defender of right and justice.” The editorial style of the Crusader is represented by the following report: “Last week in Fayette County, Ga., eight Negroes were killed and six were wounded. Eight whites were shot, but only one fatally. However deplorable these affrays, it is refreshing to see the Negro defending himself, but he must learn to shoot straight.”

Bartender Cabbie said...

One of the last places that I would expect to bring a in speaker that is so silly would be Texas Agriculture. Pretty conservative place. Now if Glover were to speak just down the road at UT that would be nothing to be surprised about.