Fat Al Gore just got fatter.
Al Gore just made another half a billion or so bucks by selling off his failing Current TV to Al Jazeera. In doing so, he kept the enterprise ideologically pure.
"The legacy of who the network goes to is important to us and we are sensitive to networks not aligned with our point of view,'
I hear Current recently dumped Keith Olbermann (doesn't everybody?) I'll bet Keith can get his old job back. Too bad he wasn't around at the time of sale. Then Al Jazeera could have gotten Current lock, stock and barrel.
Maybe Current TV will hire Kathy Griffith
Or Rosie O'Donnell
Or maybe both??
Thinking about this a little bit more (which may be dangerous), I believe Al Gore did what just about anyone would have done, which is to sell out to a willing buyer at probably the highest price he could receive. That is only the American way, but it is rather hypocritical that Gore, et al, want all of the rest of us to pay more taxes while he apparently did what he could to pay less on this particular transaction, and likely others as well.
Neither Siarlys nor anyone else on here, or elsewhere for that matter, has yet successfully answered this question: If certain individuals are prepared, even eager, to pay more taxes, and others are reluctant to do so, why oh why is it not a most eminently fair, equitable, and reasonable proposal that the former in fact pay taxes at a higher rate than the latter, on the same income?? Nothing could possibly be plainer.
In addition, libs/Dems at any income level who support higher taxes are quite at liberty to voluntarily send various levels of government all the money they want to, and I bet it will get spent on what they consider to be mainly worthy causes. It would generate additional revenue, just not as much as they would like, but I don’t catch too many of them doing it. Watch what people do, not what they say.
The only equitable way to tax is that all persons similarly situated pay the same rate. If its an income tax, and its graduated, the only thing that matters is whether your income is in the relevant tax bracket. Everyone is entitled to voice an opinion on what should be taxed, at what rate, using what method, either to protect their own cash flow, or altruistically put their country first, or whatever. But the law applies to all once we get one passed.
Why is this hard to understand elwood?
I am happy to see Siarlys back in full throat. This is not at all difficult for me to understand, looks to me like you are the one who has a problem. The mere existence of any law does not necesarily mean that law is either fair or equitable. LOTS of examples of this.
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