Anwar al Awlaki
It is not exactly news that deceased American terror leader Anwar al Awlaki had ties to some of the 9-11 hijackers. According to the Fox News report below, he may have booked prior flights for them as well.
Awlaki used to be considered as a moderate. He actually spoke at the US Capitol in the days when our gullible leaders accepted him as a voice of moderation. Incredibly enough, he was also invited to the Pentagon after 9-11. Of course, that was all before Washington wised up to him and he took off for Yemen.
Last September, the blog, Counter Jihad Report posted an article on a speech Awlaki gave at the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America, another "moderate" organization of which he was a member. It was also believed that he was present at UC Irvine on September 9, 2011 at a benefit held for the imprisoned cop-killer in Atlanta, H Rap Brown-now known as Jamil Abdullah al Amin.
Another "questionable" character spoke at the UCI event-the despicable Washington DC imam Abdel Alim Musa, formerly Clarence Reams, a convicted drug trafficker-turned Muslim while in federal prison. Musa, who has spoken more than once at UCI, makes no pretense of being a moderate. He talks about "burning America down".
And guess who else spoke at the UCI event on behalf of the cop-killer Brown. That would be Maher Hathout, that famed moderate who most recently spoke at the MPAC convention in Pasadena on December 15. Here is a video clip from his speech back in 2001 at UCI. He pretty much accuses the Atlanta cops of framing Brown.
The below link (which comes from the Fox report) contains documents obtained from the government by Judicial Watch and which confirm Awlaki's presence at UCI on 9-9-2001. The documents begin with a description of the FBI's investigation into the UC Irvine event and their interview of an unidentified subject (name redacted), who was apparently the head of the Muslim Student Union at that time. According to the report, local imam Muzammil Siddiqi was also present as previously thought. Also listed in the document as attending are Hathout and Amir Abdel Malik Ali, who speaks at the Muslim Student Union's annual anti-Israel event at UCI practically every year.
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