With a State Department review board report on the Benghazi incident expected shortly, it seems Hillary Clinton may be back-tracking on her scheduled appearance next week before Congress.
If Clinton backs away from testifying, it would hardly be surprising. She let Susan Rice take the fall for her when Rice was sent to the Sunday talk shows with talking points someone had given her.
It appears that Rice was the patsy even though she should have been in a position to know that what she was telling the news interviewers was not true.
But this is what the Clintons do. They send others out to tell lies on their behalf then sail off unscathed as their patsies take the fall. This particular fall has cost Rice the position as secretary of state, the very position occupied so disastrously by Ms Clinton, who is now beginning her preparations to run for president in four years.
Now it seems she fainted and had a concussion and won't be able to testify even if she wanted to.
I used to get all kinds of illnesses too when I didn't want to go to school to take a test.
Hillary has fainted from dehydration caused by a virus, fell and sustained a concussion. she will not be able to appear before the U.S. House. Reports indicate that she is home recovering. A rescheduling of the appearance has not been indicated.
Of course she will skate, just as she did on all the perjury/obstruction of justice she committed when she was First Lady, thanks to Bill taking all the heat so she did not have to take any.
With Ms. Rice now being scapegoated, Hillary can fade all the heat to her, and Ms. Rice will be under orders to just take it or give up any political future she might have, however reduced it may now be.
Just caught that Hillary suddenly has a concussion and will therefore be unable to testify re Benghazi, and by extension re Ms. Rice, this week as previously scheduled.
How convenient. Did I hear something about skating??
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