
Sunday, December 23, 2012

Somalia: The West's Failed Experiment

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

Abdifatah Mohammud

In memoriam

Sweden, like the US and many other Western nations, has decided  that it would be a grand idea to import tens of thousands of Somalis into their societies. Here is how it is working out in Sweden.

So what does Columbus, Ohio have to do with Sweden?

Of course, the left will react that this is racism in action-a knee-jerk reaction against immigration of black Africans. Au contraire. If you want to give visas to South African engineers, Tanzanian doctors, Ghanian scientists, or Kenyan dentists (no politicians, please), I say welcome. These are people who will assimilate and contribute to our societies.  But what do we have to show for all these Somali refugees who lack these skills? We have crime, welfare costs, jihadists going back to join the terror group, al Shabab, and very little assimilation. In short, it ain't working. It was a bad idea. It has been a disaster in the US, and it has been a disaster in Europe.


Anonymous said...

Ever heard of Casey Anthony?

Do you not care if a white, Christian(Catholic) mother kills her daughter and then covers it up?

Gary Fouse said...

Yes, I have Anonymous. In my mind she was guilty, and I was outraged that she was acquitted.

Anything else I can do for you today?

Anonymous said...

I don't recall a blog post with little Caylee's picture posted on your site.

Why not?

Findalis said...

Anthony was a murderess who got away with murder. Why? She was white, pretty and young.

elwood p suggins said...

Casey Anthony was/is a selfish, spoiled, gag-me-with-a-spoon little bitch whose mother was also an apparent whacko who, in my view, most likely accidentally killed her daughter by sedating her so she could go out and party. A tragedy indeed, but nothing to do with jihad or religious persecution or anything like that. Just a run-of-the-mill mopette.

Gary Fouse said...


Two reasons why I didn't post a picture of Caylee Anthony; ordinary crime cases are not what I concentrate on here, and because it is physically impossible to follow every story on this blog. It doesn't mean I don't care about the story.

Anonymous said...

Gary is not against all African immigration into the United States and Europe.

He only opposes ones from Somalia.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali might get a pass from Gary because she too shares Gary's anti-Islam/anti-Muslim viewpoints.

Am I correct with this assessment?

Gary Fouse said...


No because your adjectives are incorrect, but Ayaan definitely gets a pass. Not all Somali immigrants are problematical, but when you have the sheer numbers of problematical ones that have been documented, you have to question the wisdom of bringing them en masse to the US.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Findalis is sounding like Al Sharpton. Must be the season.