Lisa Jackson aka Richard Windsor
Yet another controversial Obama appointee is in the news for all the wrong reasons. Lisa Jackson is resigning from the EPA so she can "spend more time with her family".
No mention of whether it is the Jackson family or the Windsor family.
And here's the real laffer as reported on Fox News today. Jackson says as she is leaving, she "is confident that the ship is sailing in the right direction".
"Which way to the California?"
Well, I may be old fashioned, but where I come from people who use ficticious names usually have something to hide.
I use a fictitious name. I do so because I prefer to keep some separation between my own personal life, and my participation in wide open on line discussions that everyone can see. I use one nom de plume consistently, for on-line discussion, for published articles, and in my email.
I do also write under my own given name at times. I use no other name. I have not committed an actionable offense under either name.
Lisa Jackson may have been up to no good, but she may also have simply wanted to express personal opinions at various blogs, without being quoted as the head of the EPA and clearing every comment with someone at the White House.
What is going on here?? Lisa Jackson resigns,somewhat abruptly it seems to me. If her successor was designated prior to her resignation, I missed it, which is certainly possible.
In contrast, Hillary Clinton's successor was named prior to, as far as I can tell, any "official" announcement of her resignation on a date certain. Again, it is entirely possible that she did so and I missed that one also.
SOMEONE out there please tell me if Clinton does in fact have an announced last day in office.
Yeah! dat's it! Dat's da ticket! She merely wanted to comment on fousesquawk from time to time. C'mon, Siarlys, you can come up with a better one than that. She was using an alias within the EPA.
Using an alias within the EPA??? Did she issue orders and directives under that alias? Were these directives obeyed? Was she making scurrilous remarks about employees she wanted to fire, but couldn't under civil service regulations, such that she might create a hostile work environment and force them to resign?
Do you really know ANYTHING about this Gary, aside from the fact that she resigned and that there is some innuendo about anonymous emails, which may be true?
Oh, and the truly salient fact that you don't approve of requiring industry to pay the full cost of production, pricing it into the product, rather than dumping a significant portion of the real costs of production on those downwind and downstream?
Recent research shows that mercury poisoning induces homosexual behavior in wading birds. What would you say if it turned out that the increasing prominence of homosexuality in public life is due to mercury pollution from coal fired power plants?
Oh, that's right, Gary has become sympathetic to the gay agenda since Islamists staring hanging gays.
You're losing it, Siarlys.
You haven't answered ANY of my questions Gary. Could it be there is no substantive answer you could offer, and thus retreat into one-liners?
elwood, you seem to have covered just about all the plausible possibilities.
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