
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Another Great Idea Out of Austria-Death Penalty for GW Deniers

Bad things happen when people immigrate to and emigrate from Austria. The name of Adolf Hitler comes to mind. The trend has continued right up to the present day.

Richard Parncutt, PHD, Graz University

Graz, Austria is the home of Arnold Schwarzenegger (May he soon return). It is also the adopted home of an Australian music professor named Richard Parncutt.

"The hills are alive with the sound of music....."

Anyway, this nut has come up with his own manifesto suggesting the death penalty for those who deny Global Warming.

Hat tip to Tallbloke's Talkshop

Not even Hitler went that far. Nor has Al Gore ever gone that far, but on the other hand, we never let him become president, did we?

Apparently, Dr Parncutt immigrated to Austria because he couldn't stand living in an immoral country (Australia) that had an "L' in its name and had treated aborigines so poorly. He apparently is too young to have seen those toothbrush commercials the Austrians produced during the *Anschluss.

* For all you UC Santa Cruz Community Studies and History of Consciousness majors, the Anschluss was when Hitler annexed Austria into the German Reich in 1938. The Austrians celebrated by forcing Jews to clean the streets with toothbrushes as seen above. Today we would call it "Occupy Vienna".

Well, since I am a GW denier or skeptic-just as bad- I guess we should all get our affairs in order because somebody-either me or Dr Parncutt- is going to be taken away real soon. So since we are in the land of music, Maestro, please.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

If someone proposed a death penalty for lying, would that make every lie truth?