My friends at the Orange County Independent Task Force on Anti-Semitism have an interesting take on this week's vote by the UC Irvine student government to pass a resolution against Israel. After repeated attempts by several UC campuses that have failed, UC Irvine is the first to succeed.
Let me offer my opinion on why they are not available to respond and comment. It is because this represents a failure of their involvement at UCI in the face of the annual hate fests against Israel brought to us by the Muslim Student Union and their brothers and sisters in Students for Justice in Palestine.
I know from first-hand experience how Jewish organizations like Hillel, the Jewish Federation of Orange County, and the Anti-Defamation League have failed to step up to the plate and fight this insidious movement by campus activists and left-wing professors to make Israel the number one issue on the UCI campus, which in turn leads to anti-Jewish tensions. I have been personally assured by Hillel and a OC Jewish Federation rep that the much-heralded Olive Tree Initiative had made the situation better at UCI.
Horse feathers!
Now that UCI has made its mark, so to speak, all the protestations by the above Jewish groups ring hollow. As I have said all along, they are too embedded with the university suits to speak out. They compromised themselves long ago.
It is called Conflict of Interest.
It is a conflict of interest when these clowns crack down on Jewish students who speak out on the anti-Semitism that has resulted from the Palestinian-led drive to demonize Israel. "There is no anti-Semitism on the UCI campus", I have been told by these clowns. "The university is doing a great job", I have been told by these clowns. "The Olive Tree Initiative is improving the situation", I have been told by these clowns.
Horse feathers!
It is a conflict of interest when the OC Jewish Federation and Hillel publicly demonize a community member who dared question the Olive Tree Initiative using hand-picked stooge rabbis to write articles criticizing the community member.
Conflict of interest? That is something that exists when certain Jewish organizations have a vested interest in not seeing Jewish students choose another university to study at because of UCI's reputation for anti-Jewish rhetoric (Cynthia McKinney, Amir Abdel Malik Ali, Mohammed al Asi, Abdul Alim Musa et al).
The worst offender, of course, is the OC Jewish Federation, which funds the Rose Project, which has funded Jewish students' travel to the Middle East on the Olive Tree Initiative so they can come back converted to the Palestinian cause and join Students for Justice in Palestine.
As I always say, 99% of the students at UCI are not involved with this nonsense. Yet, a small minority of activists, combined with a few left-wing activist professors, a weak administration that tolerates anti-Semitism, I guess, in the name of diversity, have manged to bring a terrible reputation to UCI while so-called Jewish advocacy groups sit on their hands.
Now for the good news. This is all symbolic. From what I understand, the head of the student government can shut this down. Even if he or she doesn't, the university is under no obligation to follow the resolution. If you believe previous statements by UC and UCI officials, they will ignore it.
I guess. Who the Hell knows?
1 comment:
So why don't the 99 percent get out and vote?
Findalis: Hiding in your apartment are you? Unsafe to venture out to the grocery store? Thinking of going into hiding in a friendly gentile's attic?
I didn't think so. You remind me of the RC's and Prod's who scream martyrdom while living in peace in their own homes, saying what they wish from their own pulpits, raking in the cash with every collection plate, enjoying substantial tax benefits, etc.
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