James O'Keefe's Project Veritas took this photo of an Obama poster in a Newark, NJ polling place.
Text reads:
“Rosa Parks sat in 1955, Martin Luther King walked in 1963, Barack Obama ran in 2008, that your children might fly.”
Conservative thoughts on the issues of today
Oh no!!! Oh no!!!
I'm sure there are THOUSANDS of people who will go into the polls with the complete intent to vote for Mitt Romney, but upon seeing that poster, they will completely change their minds and vote for Obama!
I'm not planning on voting for Obama, but I know that if I see a poster of him when I go to vote, I will have no choice but to do so.
If only this hadn't happened, Romney would have surely taken New Jersey.
If nothing else, it is the principle of the thing. This is not the only example, I caught another one on TV, forget just where it was. I can imagine the outrage if a poster of Romney was hung in a polling place. We would probably still be hearing about it in campaign rhetoric in 2016, just as we are still hearing about Bush.
Chances are, this polling place was a school, and someone had neglected to take down off the school wall a poster that really wasn't appropriate in an are used for polling. Chances are also pretty good that a school displaying this poster was located in an area where
1) Barack Obama being president really is an inspiration to the children who attend, and,
2) Everybody coming through to vote lives in a neighborhood where people seeing each other on the street remind each other all day long to be sure to vote, and all know who each other are voting for.
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