
Sunday, November 11, 2012

Meanwhile in Israel....

This must be a retaliation over Harvard featuring those Arab dishes and calling it Israeli food. Hamas does what it does best: fire rockets into Israel.

Does anyone care about this? Wait until Israel responds. Then the world-wide condemnation will begin. UN resolutions, protests all over Europe and on US university campuses. I can hardly wait for the little rascals at UCI to fire up the noon-time events at the flagpoles.

Stay tuned.


Findalis said...

100 rockets in the last 24 hours and they time their attacks to take place when the kids get off of school...Israel's patience is at an end.

Restarting Operation Cast Lead in 3...2...1

Anonymous said...

Meanwhile, ASUCI Senate passed a resolution to divist from Israel. 16-0.

Findalis said...

So Anonymous have you divested yourself from Israel. You can start with any computer with an Intel chip. They are made in Israel.

Findalis said...

Israel has lost its patience:

Operation Pillar of Defense

This time no stopping until Hamas is destroyed.