"Hello everybody! Bob Blooper here, and we're going to play, "Name that Island"!
"Our first two contestants are Jason and Jennifer. What do you do, Jason?"
"I'm a student at UC Santa Cruz, Bob."
"And what do you study?"
"I'm majoring in Community Studies."
"What are you planning to do after you graduate?"
"I'm hoping for a career in the Occupy movement."
"Wonderful, and how about you, Jennifer?"
"I work for FEMA, Bob."
"And what do you do for FEMA?"
" Not much. I write speeches for our director."
"Well, that's great. Now let's play, "Name that Island!"
"Here is our first question: Staten Island is......
a one of the Hawaiian Islands
b a borough of New York City
c the site of a great World War II battle in the Pacific
d Subject of an old Harry Belafonte hit song
"That was you, Jennifer-Go."
"I'll say "a", Bob-one of the Hawaiian islands."
"Oh, I'm sorry. That's wrong. What do you say, Jason?"
"C, Bob, site of a great World War II battle in the Pacific."
"Sorry, Jason. That was wrong too. The correct answer was "b'".
"That doubles our prize for tomorrow. Join us when we play, "Name That Island!"
I bet they know the answer if you ask them who destroyed the native Americans, who had black slaves, who interred the Japanese in WWII, or who dropped the atom bomb, who is the biggest threat to world peace, they would know in a flash.
The school system is an indoctrination process and not only are we turning out dummies we are turning out America hating youngsters, ready to expect "entitlements" and they'll be damned if they have to do anything at all to earn a living.
I suppose a few might be good at ESL.
I wonder what these wonders will do when we are $25 Trillion in debt, there are no jobs and Obamacare starts cutting services. Will they be able to comprehend what they did with their vote or will they riot in the streets like they are doing in Greece?
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