
Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Jay Carney Repeats the White House Line

"It is simply a fact that the White House was not aware of the situation regarding General Petraeus until Wednesday and the situation regarding General Allen until Friday," Carney said.

White House spokeshole Jay Carney was squirming like a worm on a fishing hook this morning during the White House press briefing as he tried to convince reporters that the White House only learned of the Petraeus affair the day after the election-even though Eric Holder knew about it as early as September.

"FBI protocols, blah blah blah, woof woof woof, quack quack quack..."

The FBI obviously told Holder as early as September. On October 26, Ms Broadwell is passing on "unvetted" stories to a University of Denver audience about the CIA possibly holding two terrorists as prisoners in Benghazi, which might have been the reason for the attack. Where did she pick up that little tidbit?

It strains common sense to suggest that nobody told Obama until November 7. Common sense tells me the White House knew about this for weeks at the least. Then came September 11. On September 14, Petraeus told Congressional leaders that a video was the cause even though it has been repeatedly reported that intelligence knew within 24 hours it was a coordinated terrorist attack. Even the State Department clones were watching the attack in real time.

The question begs: When did Petraeus learn that his affair had been discovered and by whom? Was it sometime between September 11-14? (I am not suggesting this is true, but it is worth asking.)

Finally, the resignation comes just days before Petraeus' scheduled testimony before Congress. His resignation at the moment means that his acting successor will testify instead. How convenient. My, how the stars have aligned themselves the right way at the right time.

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