Angry Arab
There is a professor at California State University at Stanislaus named As'ad Abukhalil, who runs a blog called Angry Arab. I don't know what he is so angry about. He lives in the greatest country in the world, where he can say whatever he wants-unlike whatever cesspool he came from in the Middle East. This guy is a full-time hater of Israel. Now he is fantasing about going there (Palestine) and aiding in the destruction of Israel.
Hey Professor! There is no time like right now. I suggest you back up your words with action Get yourself a one-way ticket, get on that plane, fly to Gaza City International Airport, get a gun, and charge that wall.
But you won't.
May he go soon and blow himself up trying to set off a rocket.
typical. I'm sure he would not have the courage to stand by his convictions. What the heck does this guy teach anyway?
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