
Saturday, November 3, 2012

An Important Announcement From the Obama Campaign

Check out this e-mail I got today from Ann Marie Habershaw:


Ann Marie Habershaw,  Add to Addresses Block Sender

Date:Saturday, November 3, 2012 5:17 PM
To: (deleted)
Subject:Important announcement
Size:11 KB
Obama - Biden
Friend -- 

In a few hours, I'm walking into a budget meeting with the rest of the campaign management team.

By the time we walk out of that room, we'll have decided exactly what kinds of resources we can get to organizers on the ground and which attacks we can beat back in the last three days of this election.

This is seriously your last chance to help decide what that looks like. Your donation will determine which attacks get a response -- and which don't.

According to our records associated with this email address, you haven't chipped in to this campaign yet. So this is it, the very last call. If you care about the outcome of this election, now is the time to show it.

(My last warning?)

Please give $5 or more, and help while you still can:

Please hear me when I say this is serious, and the decisions we're making are very concrete -- and final.

Give what you can, and let's make sure we win.

Thank you.

Ann Marie

Ann Marie Habershaw
Chief Operating Officer
Obama for America

If you don't see any new postings tomorrow, you know what happened.

"According to my best source, Fousesquawk, the Obama campaign is getting desperate."

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I didn't respond to that one either. I've given as much as I could, when I could. Daily pitches for more don't cut it with me. I did give them a last $20 to be in the drawing for who gets to meet the President in Chicago and watch the returns come in. I'll be late arriving, since I won't get off from the polling station where I work until after 10:00pm. But they could save the air fare. I'll drive down and get there by midnight.