CNN's aptly-named Candy Crowley will be Tuesday's debate moderator. From what I gather, each candidate will get two minutes to answer each question-or until Crowley finishes off a chocolate wafer-whichever comes first.
Most figure a slight advantage will go to President Eye Candy.
"That's a big f*****' deal."
Since this is a town hall type set up, some members of the audience will be able to participate.
"So now he's John Kennedy."
What is as clear as the elephant in the room is that Crowley needs to pin down Obama on the Libya mess-especially since the statements of Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice in the past 24 hours. Obama is in a sticky situation; does he throw Clinton and Rice under the bus to protect his own hide? If so, he risks losing millions of female votes in a moment's ill-chosen word. My guess is he sticks to the "we were depending on the best intelligence we were getting from the intelligence community at the time" line. That will give Crowley a host of follow up questions. But will she do it?
Put down that chocolate, Candy. You have work to do.
I think Candy did a good job last night. Or at least as good as she could be when the candidates tried to walk all over the rules - especially Romney. Do have to say that I didn't appreciate your digs about her weight. Would u have said the same thing if it had been a male moderator? Why were they necessary - don't have any impact on her intelligence or abilities.
Yes, I would have said the same thing about a male moderator who called himself Candy. That's why I put the box of chocolates in the picture. Lighten up, Maggie, it was harmless humor. The feminist outrage doesn't work here.
Calls herself Candy? Unless I'm mistaken, isn't that her name?
The reason why nobody gets conservative humor is usually because the jokes aren't very funny - just mean-spirited jabs.
Mine may be a jab, but don't tell me both sides don't do it.
Is this you admitting that what you did was wrong? Or is it just wrong when the left does it?
My mom always told me that two wrongs don't make a right.
Your mom was wrong.
So, because people on the left have made cheap shots at people on the right, it's okay for you to make fun of a woman's name and weight.
How old are you? I was judging by your list of accomplishments that you were older than 12.
You can figure out my age from the bio part of this blog.
Are you really going to make a federal case of what I said about Crowley? Geez.
Maybe you should check out the things I have said about people like Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Ed Schultz, Chris Matthews on so on. I have been very cruel, indeed. As for Crowley, I am treating her kindly compared to what others are saying about her this week.
Honestly, it's not so much the insult that I find interesting as your childish and pathetic attempts to excuse it.
Not all liberals resort to that kind of name calling, and not all conservatives do it either. I think folks might take you more seriously if you aspired to the likes of Dennis Prager, to pick a conservative who doesn't resort to that kind of a thing, from what I understand.
Just a nickel's worth of free advice.
More like 4 cents. Thanks just the same.
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