
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Voter Suppression? James O'Keefe Strikes Again

Hat tip Daily Caller

The below video running on Daily Caller should be required viewing for all those pointy-headed judges throwing out the voter ID laws. James O'Keefe, the undercover film maker who exposed ACORN has now proved that, "Vote early. Vote often" actually has meaning as he visits some Democratic voter registration sites.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

That's a stupid thing to do. The election procedures will catch it. Yes, I don know how they work, because I've worked as an election inspector for two years now. Nobody who cast an early absentee ballot could get a ballot at a polling station, nobody who has turned in two absentee ballots could get both of them counted.

That's assuming James O'Keefe didn't set this up for the show, which is plausible, but not certain.

Anonymous 703 said...

James O'Keefe? This guy still has any credibility?

Gary Fouse said...


Yes, O'Keefe did in fact lie to all those ACORN folks about the pimp and prostitution stuff, didn't he. When I was a DEA agent I lied to a few drug traffickers about being a drug buyer as well. I would agree with you that he crossed the line when he tried to put a bug in those office phones in new Orleans. The question you should be asking, however, is are those latest videos authentic? That is the issue.

elwood p suggins said...

Is it not more accurate to say "Theoretically, nobody who cast an early absentee ballot could get a ballot at a polling station, nobody who has turned in two absentee ballots could get both of them counted"?? This kind of stuff happens with regularity across the country, but gets little media coverage.

In cities such as Kansas City and St. Louis, where there are numerous people who live in Kansas or Illinois and work in Missouri, it is not the least bit uncommon for voters to dummy up residency in Missouri to vote there as well as in their home state.

Further, I recall some recent voter fraud, I believe in NC, where some 8000 votes were apparently accurately reported to have been illegally purchased. Should just this level of fraud be repeated nationwide, not allowing for any population/demographic weighting or correction,this translates to at least 400,000 illegitimate votes, and probably a lot more, which is certainly more than enough to cause one or several fraudulent elections.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

"it is not the least bit uncommon" Elwood?

You've witnessed this in person?

I didn't think so.

So, you've read some allegedly informed source who claims to have thoroughly studied the matter... care to share this source with us?

"I recall some recent voter fraud..." You live in North Carolina? I didn't think so. Most people don't "believe" they live in the state where their home is located. They know.

"apparently accurately reported to have been purchased" ... that's a lot of qualifiers.

I was talking about method. I'm pretty good at finding vulnerabilities that someone minded to try them might use. I don't see a way to do that successfully on an individual basis, much less on a large scale.

Gary used to tell us horror stories about bags of ballots being found in the trunks of cars... without explaining how they ever got into ballot boxes. That's not the sort of operation prevented by photo ID checks. I do know that there is a county clerk in a highly Republican county who has TWICE discovered bags of "uncounted" ballots the day after the election, that CHANGED THE RESULT. But that did get considerable notice in the press, and they were all reviewed with a fine tooth comb. (Check it out -- Waukesha County, Wisconsin.)

Now it is true that if you go out on the street and offer qualified voters $20 to go vote for Joe Schmoe, no security process in the world at the voting place will stop it. (That includes photo ID -- if anyone can get a person's ID in order, its the guy paying $20 per vote.) But, the buyer has to hope the seller is honest enough to stay bought, because its a secret ballot.

Anonymous 703 said...

The problem with O'Keefe is not that he lied to the ACORN folks, but he heavily edited his videos and lied afterward about exactly what happened.

Gary Fouse said...

Really? Does that mean that the people in those videos never said what I heard them say?

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Whatever kind of dishonest sleaze James O'Keefe may be, there is no defending ACORN. I'm sure that 99% of ACORN's staff were above the sort of antics he recorded. But when Arkansas Community Organizations for Reform Now swells up into a nationwide network, then starts taking on government grants, opening all kinds of offices... there's bound to be some mooches in a feeding frenzy coming on board, and severely stretched supervision.

This kind of stuff should be done locally, with maybe a skeletal staff handling inter-office communication, and NO GOVERNMENT MONEY, ever. Those people in the film applied to ACORN because they wanted an income stream.

Anonymous said...

Curious if you've seen this: James O'Keefe Pays $100,000 To ACORN Employee He Smeared