
Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Universities Pushing More Spending

Yesterday, California governor "Run-Down" Jerry Brown was at UCLA pushing his tax hike ballot measure Proposition 30 before an approving audience of students and faculty.

Meanwhile at UC Irvine, the campus paper, New University, is running this paid ad for the November election.

Yes, they are all Democrats, and I wouldn't vote for any of them or their measures and propositions..

President: Barack Obama
Senator: Dianne Feinstein
Congress: Sukhee Kang
Irvine Mayor: Larry Agran
Irvine City Council: Beth Krom
Irvine City Council: PK Wong
Proposition 30: Yes
Irvine Measure BB: Yes

One of the biggest reasons that California is burdened with liberal Democratic office holders and high taxes is the university communities that regularly turn out to vote for them. This year, the message, as espoused by Brown,  is that we need to raise taxes yet again to avoid (more) tuition hikes. Thus, it's back to the tax payers to pay more of "their fair share". Never mind the fact that Californians are over-taxed in the first place. Never mind that the UC system has already increased its percentage of out-of-state and international students, who pay three times the tuition, in the name of "revenue enhancement". That means that California families, who support the UC system though their taxes, now have a harder time getting their own kids into California universities. Thus, many of them will have to pay out-of-state tuition to send their kids elsewhere.

"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."


Anonymous 703 said...

It should be noted that it's not just about the universities. The K-12 system is going to take a major hit if Prop 30 doesn't make it. From what I understand, we could see the school year being shortened by at least three weeks.

Squid said...

Thanks Gary!

That is the way I voted, as well. No Democrat or their Propositions stood after my vote. The whole family is voting this way.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I would have like to see Feinstein get a spirited challenge in the Democratic primary. They need a LOT of fresh blood. What keeps these semi-fossilized old pols in office is that the alternative comes down to some psychopatic Republican.

Obama and Agren are find in my book. The rest, don't know any reason to be against them.