
Friday, October 12, 2012

Stephanie Cutter and Obama's Truth Team

Hat tip PJ Media and Townhall

Stephanie Cutter (Hat tip Joshua Pundit)

In the wake of her disastrous comments this week on CNN, Stephanie Cutter is having her credibility questioned. Here is a posting from PJMedia showing Cutter being questioned by a Townhall reporter as well as Fox News' Brett Baier.

Worse yet, when asked after the VP debate about Joe Biden's comment that the administration didn't know that their security people in Libya had requested more support personnel, Cutter said this:

Now before you jump to conclusions about Ms Cutter's credibility or lack thereof, let me remind you that she is part of President Obama's Truth Team. In fact, just by coincidence, I received an e-mail from my friend  Steffie just this morning.

Stephanie Cutter,  Add to Addresses Block Sender
Date:Thursday, October 11, 2012 2:39 PM
Subject:Ryan's trouble with the truth
Size:18 KB
Truth Team
Friend --

Over the course of his career, Joe Biden has always said exactly what he means, and people know they can count on the Vice President to be straight with them.

You can't say the same about Paul Ryan.

Out on the campaign trail, Ryan has followed Mitt Romney's lead -- making a habit of misrepresenting or flat-out denying his unpopular, extreme positions, while distorting President Obama's record. Both Romney and Ryan know that if they're honest with the American people about their proposals and their records, it'll hurt their chances to win the election. Take a look at this video about Paul Ryan's misleading ways, and share it with others before tonight's debate:

Video: Debate prep
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Also be sure to check out this post that breaks down Ryan's favorite false attacks. Some examples include (but most certainly are not limited to):

 -- Attacking President Obama for the Medicare savings that actually extend the life of the program.
 -- Blaming President Obama for the closure of an auto manufacturing plant in Wisconsin that happened during the Bush administration.
 -- Accusing President Obama of not taking the recommendations of the debt reduction committee -- the same recommendations that Ryan himself voted against.
 -- Calling Obamacare a government "health care takeover."
 -- Telling reporters that he hadn't sought stimulus funds for his district, when in fact he had.

After all this dishonesty, Ryan actually complained earlier this week that people are calling him dishonest. But until he proves otherwise, we will continue to say that water is wet, the sky is blue, and Paul Ryan and Mitt Romney are willing to say anything -- even if that means wildly distorting known facts -- to win this election.

So before, during, and after tonight's debate, head over to and get the facts to respond to Ryan's distortions. And be sure to show your support for Vice President Biden on Facebook and Twitter, too.

Thanks for all you do,



Whatever I can do to help, Steffie.

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