
Tuesday, October 9, 2012

State Department Lies Continue

In the wake of the Benghazi attack in Libya, the State Department continues to make denials even though those denials are disintegrating every day. They said for a week that the incident in Benghazi, Libya was a spontaneous reaction to that infamous video ("The Innocence of Muslims")  that got out of hand. They deny that they cut security. They deny that they refused requests for increased security.

Our ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice,went out on the network tour and told the world that the attack was a spontaneous reaction to the video even though they  knew within 24 hours that the attack was pre-planned and probably by Al Qaeda.

We now know that Ambassador Chris Stevens knew that he was a target of Al Qaeda and that the security forces had asked to keep a DC-3 aircraft in-country, a request that State denied. We now know that the Benghazi area was a hotbed of terrorist activity even as State tried to maintain an image of stability in the area.

In a slightly unrelated development, journalist Lara Logan, who was a victim of a mass sexual assault on Cairo's Tahrir Square during that "Arab Spring",  is contesting the Obama administration's claims that they have the Taliban on the ropes. Logan is a courageous reporter who knows first-hand what is going on in the region.

If we had a normal world and normal news media, Hillary Clinton would be fending off mass calls to resign as secretary of state. Instead, we are guessing that she will be running for president in 2016.

What a joke.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

The Taliban? In Egypt? Or Libya? Someone needs a remedial class in geography... or in How To Write a Theme. That's your field, isn't it Gary?

Incidentally, are you going to cover the mass revulsion against the Taliban in Pakistan this morning? Or is that too discordant with your Chosen Theme?