
Sunday, October 21, 2012

Pat Condell's Message to the Islamic World

Irish commentator Pat Condell has made a series of videos criticizing Islamic militancy. In this latest video, he  says, "no more apologies." As always, Pat takes no prisoners.

Here is my invitation to my Muslim readers ( I know you are out there.) I would like you to respond to Condell's words. Tell us why he is wrong. Tell us why one should not speak freely given all the hate and violence going on around the world. Explain to us why religious minorities throughout the Islamic world are being persecuted-or deny it if you wish.

This is your chance to engage in some real dialogue. As long as your comments are not hateful themselves, I will post them.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

I see no reason any Muslim should throw pearls before swine by responding to Condell's stream of ad hominem tripe. He hasn't bothered to do any number crunching, or amass facts, he is offering ripe commentary on blithely referenced recent events, evidencing no detailed knowledge as to how many of who in what place committed what acts. Instead, he indulges in blatant character assassination of over one billion of the inhabitants of the planet, a kind of "blood libel" in the sense that "if one or one hundred of your people did it, you are all equally guilty." That's exactly how the Roman Catholic Church used to blame Jews for the death of Jesus... which is an odd thing to do, since by orthodox Christian theology, it was part of GOD's plan for Jesus to be crucified.

Condell's screed is indistinguishable from Nazi screed comparing Jews to rats.

Miggie said...

I completely agree with Condell's comments. The stories of the religious intolerance in EVERY Islamic country is well known; the brutality of their punishments is well known; their treatment of women is well known; their destruction of religious holy places of any other religion is well known; the number of terrorist attacks by Islamists, compared to ANY other group in modern times is unrivaled and anyone who keeps up with the news could easily add to this list.

Here is a man, Pat Condell, who is speaking out and saying, "We don't care if you get your feelings hurt" "We don't care if you blow each other up because your theology differs from some other Muslim" "Playing the victim card is over" "Fix, at long last, your own religion." If there are, in fact, good Muslims, let's hear a big condemnation of Muslim atrocities, that happen every single day!

Chirp, chirp... that is the sound of crickets.

Findalis said...

Amen Brother Pat! Every free people have a right to be offensive. Hell Farrakhan is offensive every time he opens his mouth. (And Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Chris Matthews, I could turn this into a very long list.)

Each person has a right to speak their mind. You can agree with it or not. But to riot over it is just plain stupid. Or in the case of Islam, it shows what happens when 1st cousins marry over the course of centuries.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Findalis, I will grant you that Farrakhan is entirely as credible, moving, and inspiring as Pat Condell.

There is a difference between freedom to speak, and speech worthy of approbation.

P.S. Jewish first cousins have frequently married over the centuries too.