"Shame on you, Barack Obama."
It looks like we are hearkening back to those glory days of the Democratic campaign in 2008. Once again, it is shaping up as Obama vs Hillary Clinton as to who was at fault in the Libyan mess. Last night, Joe Biden opened the door when he said (we) didn't know that they had requested more security in Libya. Well, somebody knew as proven by this week's Congressional hearing when four people directly involved with sending the requests and receiving and denying the requests testified under oath.
Now comes White House press spokesman Jay Carney with today's daily briefing, in which Ed Henry grills him on Biden's statement and whether the White House ever was told about the requests for more security in Libya. Here Carney lays the whole mess right at the feet of the State Department (Hat tip Daily Caller) as he dances around the issue of White House knowledge.
The truth is both Clinton and Obama bear the ultimate responsibility for this fiasco, as well as the false statements that followed. In the lead up to this year's 9-11, it strains credulity that the President was never told in his daily intelligence briefings (the ones he attended) that there was a volatile situation in Benghazi. Even if Biden's statement were true, it would point to the conclusion that this whole administration is totally inept-both at State and the White House.
This administration reminds me of a Three Stooges movie.
How any sane person can vote for four more years of things both foreign and domestic getting worse and worse is beyond me.
I say again, looks to me like it is either the blind leading the blind or the incompetent leading the incompetent, or maybe both??
I have never experienced such incometence, deception and dishonor towards the American people, by such an inept, amateur of a President. This POTUS missed half of his security briefings and all 11 days worth up to the 911 attack in Benghazi. Although the attackes were video taped on the ground and in the air, by a dispatched drone, Obama chose to ignore the Al Qaeda attack and go on the View and do a fund raiser in Vegas.
This is not real security. In addition, the security they put in place is at airports, where senior citizens are harrased, money stolen and terminally ill cancer pateints are made to take off their cloths to inspect what is underneath surgical bandages, in public. The cancer patient was denied a private space for this search which was against TSA policy. The TSA also places ice-cream stick devices in your drink purchased in the secured area of the airport. Stupid rules!
Truly, this Administration has it's head in a place the Sun does not shine.
I hope you are feeling real secure now!
This is like placing real responsibility on the Fast and Furious fiasco. SOMEBODY was ultimately and immediately responsible for these decisions. I know there is a culture of like minded people in the administration and are on the same page on ideology so they would tend to agree on decisions.
In the case of this consulate, someone who was responsible for the security, consciously or not, took the administration's position that American doesn't want to appear hostile to the Religion of Peace and vetoed additional security. By doing that, they put ideology over the welfare of the country... just like the president. He wants a more Socialist type society... share the wealth mentality.... no matter how much the people suffer as a consequence. Reminds me of Stalin.
Miggie, I'm voting for four more years of President Obama because he's done a better job than any president in the last fifty years. You could argue that that is a low bar, but Mittens is even lower.
Obama thinks before he acts, rare in a politician, his judgements have generally been sound. and when he runs his mouth foolishly, its generally about something the President can't really act on, like the definition of marriage, so its not high on my list of considerations.
Things foreign and things domestic are both getting a little better... and from where we started, a little better is a huge accomplishment.
As my mother, the Republican in the family, observed the other day, "I don't like the way Romney made his money." You know... he didn't PRODUCE anything. He just bought and sold other people's life work. His entire platform boils down to "I really admire the thought of ME being president. What do I have to say this week to get your vote?"
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