Terrorist act or demonstration over a video that got out of control? Even the replays can't clear this one up.
In the last debate, President Obama put himself on record as having called the Benghazi massacre a "terror attack" in his September 12 Rose Garden statement. This is a big bone of contention because his surrogates called it something else for two weeks before everybody conceded the obvious.
"I called it a terror attack on September 12."
Now comes Bryan Preston in PJ Tattler with some research on other statements about the incident by Jay Carney and Candy Crowley herself (hat tip also to Ace of Spades).
"Crowley On September 30th: Administration Took Weeks To Admit Benghazi Might Be A Terrorist Attack"
-Ace of Spades
Maybe we should have Jay Carney be the moderator in the last debate. Crowley is clearly in over her head.
"Great idea."
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