
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Better Not Ask Eric Holder Questions

Hat tip PJ Media

Hey sir, they gonna be nice to you, I’m not,

"Mr Himmler. Can I ask you a question?"

So can a reporter standing on a public sidewalk ask the attorney general a question about the activities of his department? Apparently not. PJ Media has this video, which you can link below. Watch what happens.

Whatever happened to the Justice Department I worked for? Here we have an attorney general with a bunch of goons keeping inquiring reporters at bay.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Last I knew, reporters are free to walk on a public sidewalk and ask questions, so long as the person they direct those questions to is free to continue walking, answer or not answer, and go about their business. I myself was blocked (politely) by a sheriff's deputy when I attempted to ask Milwaukee County Executive Scott Walker a question as he walked out a public entrance from the county board chambers after presenting his jury-rigged budget. He didn't even try to answer my question, or give any sign he had heard it, either.

Did I go crying to the Pajama Party that my rights were being trampled on by a neo-Nazi good squad? No, I verbally acknowledged that the lady (who also happened to be visibly of African descent) was doing her job, and went home to write up that Walker refused to answer questions (mine and several others).

These overgrown kids need to grow up. Life is not one endless pajama party. You don't have a right to and answer to any old question any old time. And if you are blocking the person from going about their business, you might be gently removed out of the way.