
Friday, September 21, 2012

What Apologies Get You

-Detroit Free Press

Here is an ad our administration is running this week in Pakistan in regards to the on-going rioting supposedly over the video, "The Innocence of Muslims". In case you are interested, the cost to taxpayers for this ad is $70,000.

Today (Friday) the Pakistani prime minister declared a public holiday so the masses could protest against the US. So far, the death toll is 19 with hundreds injured in the rioting.

I'd say that $70,000 was well-spent, wouldn't you?


Siarlys Jenkins said...

How come Fousesquawk isn't covering the 150,000 Libyans clearing out the militias demanding "Justice for Chris" and announcing "The ambassador was Libya' friend"???

Oh, of course, if the New York Times reported it, then it couldn't have happened.

Anonymous 703 said...

Where was the apology? I missed it.

Gary Fouse said...


Are you referring to the thousands of unarmed Libyans who overran a militia outpost with no deaths and no injuries???

Shades of Arafat giving blood after 9-11.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yes, I suppose Solidarnosc was a put-up job also, and so were all those Tea Party rallies.

By the way, two civilians were killed.

Are you so determined to prop up your private vision of Armaggedon that you refuse to consider we might have some friends in the world?

Sick. Truly sick.

By the way, saying that the United States of America had nothing to do with some individual cretin making a trashy movie is a far cry from apologizing. Did you apologize for the movie "Deep Throat"? If not, does that mean you endorse it?

Anonymous 703 said...

What statement, exactly, would you consider an apology?

Denying responsibility for something is pretty much the opposite of an apology, so what am I missing? Specifically, that is.

Gary Fouse said...
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elwood p suggins said...

I kind of liked "Deep Throat".