Leave it to Harry Reid to open his big mouth and embarrass himself yet again. In his campaign to destroy Mitt Romney, which has already backfired once over his tax returns, Reid, a Mormon himself, says that Romney has "sullied" his religion.
So just how has Romney "sullied" his religion? Any specifics, Harry-or do you have to protect your inside sources?
Are the Democrats getting so desperate that they have to drag religion into this? It is the last thing this country needs right now in an already dirty campaign (principally on the part of Reid's party). I know at least one of the mad-hatters at MSNBC, Lawrence O'Donnell, has publicly expressed his open contempt for the Mormon religion because of their past discrimination against blacks.
Harry Reid is a jerk of the first order. He proves it every time he opens his mouth. He ought to get back to the business of the Senate in passing an annual budget-something that hassn't happened since Obama took office.
What business of yours or mine is it?
Neither of us is Mormons.
Would it change our votes if he HAD, or had not, sullied his religion?
This is between Mormons.
It may be true for all I know.
Maybe he forgot to wear his sacred undergarments during a campaign stop.
passing an annual budget-something that hassn't happened since Obama took office
I wonder why not? Is it because Democrats won't vote for Obama's budget?
Or... no, wait, maybe the people who won't vote for his budget are... the Amish?
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