It has come to this
Not even the DNC would run this ad, but is just an arm of the Democratic party.
A little context. Ann Romney has multiple sclerosis, and horseback-riding was recommended to her as a form of therapy.
"But Fousesquawk, he claimed it on his income tax return (the one Harry Reid says he never released?)"
So what?
"I'm Barack Obama and I approved this ad."
So, that was Ann Romney riding the dressage horse as part of her therapy? I think you're missing something here...
--Anonymous 703
Yes that was Ann Romney. What am I missing here? That she owns a horse? That she rides a horse? What is your point?
A dressage horse that they use to compete in the Olympics is the one she uses for therapy? And she's the one riding it in the Olympic events?
Is that what you think is happening here?
I think that if it were Michelle Obama who did this, you'd be all over it.
--Anonymous 703
Does the horse in the picture of Ann Romney look like Rafalca? What is your issue here? She rides horses. She owns a horse that is in the Olympics. She is rich.
As for Michele, I don't care if she is rich. I only have criticized her when she goes on fashion and shopping trips to Europe on the tax-payer dime or makes negative references to her country as she did in the campaign.
Just what is your issue?
Do you think that Ann Romney should be able to write-off her horse that she takes to the Olympics? That's at tax-payer expense too. If she could do that, then I should be able to write off my dog, cat, and goldfish at the very least, as they're all therapeutic in some way.
Have any pets? Feel like you should be able to write them off as well? I think that if they're dogs that you walk, then you should be able to for health reasons, as walking is really healthy.
--Anonymous 703
I seriously doubt that they claimed the expense of taking the horse to the Olympics. If so, that would be on the 2012 return. Besides, it appears to be a different horse than the one she is riding in the picture.
Are you upset that they claimed the cost of a horse because it was recommended as therapy? It certainly appears they claimed it since it shows up on the form. Was it denied? Was it approved?
Considering what the govt. robs from us, I'd claim everything I could as well. If the IRS accepts it, they accept it. If they deny it, they deny it.
"Are you upset that they claimed the cost of a horse because it was recommended as therapy?"
If it's the horse she actually uses for therapy, then absolutely not.
If it's the horse that she uses for show and the Olympics, then yes.
--Anonymous 703
So what if it is the same horse she uses for both? It's obvious you disapprove of rich people getting any tax breaks.
"So what if it is the same horse she uses for both?"
Then that's fine, but they have several horses. Do you really think that the one she uses for therapy is the same one that she uses for The Olympics? I'd say that's improbable, but maybe you have information that I do not.
"It's obvious you disapprove of rich people getting any tax breaks."
Even though I specifically said that I'm okay with it if that's the one she uses for therapy?
I also find your comment about the government "robbing" us through taxes to be funny considering that, if I have this right, you've been a government employee your whole life. If the government didn't do that, you wouldn't have earned a living.
Yes, I am a govt retiree from DEA. I earned every penny I got and my pension as well. Even though I was in the Justice Dept, I am now a big critic of the current DOJ because it has been corrupted under this admin. Yes, I paid taxes on my salary and still do. I say that taxes are too high and only go to wasteful spending projects that are bankrupting us. Does that make me a hypocrite?
You have a strange way of trying to score your points.
I'm not trying to score points, just saying that it's an odd thing for somebody to complain the way you do. I'm not saying that you have no right to complain, but the way you wrote that made you seem like you were against taxes in general. Perhaps that is not what you meant.
Do you still think that taxes are too high even though they are at some of their lowest rates for the past half century or so? What do you think is too high? Do you think it's possible for them to be too low? I assume that you use roads and not dirt paths to get to where you want, right?
I fully acknowledge the need for us to pay taxes, but there has to be a limit. Govt has involved itself in things they have no business being involved in. I live in California, where out of control spending has put us in bankruptcy. And still they want to build a high speed railway. They have neglected roads here for years to use the money on other things.
The primary purpose of govt is to protect the security of the nation, protect us from crime and maintain the infrastructure. We have to pay taxes for that. WE shouldn't have to pay taxes for programs that tell us what to eat or to give it to "green" companies that the govt approves of. Taxes should not be a means to redistribute the wealth. I could go on and on. In addition to the 28% or whatever it is to the Feds, California takes 9+%. Were I to live in NYC, they would take taxes. It never ends. Then you see the utter waste. Look at the GSA scandal. You are paying for that. You are paying for Solyndra. Don't you ask why?
MoveOn is an arm of the Democratic Party like David Duke is an agent of the Republican National Committee.
(Both are plausible, but not so clear cut as Gary like to present each.)
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