Romney in the top hat
By now you have probably heard the story and seen the ads. Man in Missouri worked for a company purchased by Bain Capital (that evil company associated with Mitt Romney). Company closes and man and his wife lose their health insurance. Wife dies of cancer. Man makes ads for Obama blasting Romney. Great story, but it is .......
Today, CNN (hardly a conservative bastion) reported on this story and totally debunked it. Here is the time-line of events.
This campaign is really getting dirty.
Update: August 8
Now that the ad has backfired, Obama campaign advisor Robert "Jokeman" Gibbs disassociated the Obama campaign from the ad (which was produced by a political action committee). "I am not familiar with the specifics of this person's case", says Gibbs. Really?
"Ad? What ad? Never heard of the guy."
I hardly think CNN has analyzed the story accurately. As we say, "I don't believe the liberal media." Liberals have never understood working class life. Clarence Darrow was honest about that. He said, "I am a friend of the working man, and I would much rather be a friend of the working man than be one."
Romney himself has been fuzzy about his separation from Bain Capital. He certainly set in motion whatever the strategy was toward the new acquisition. His cannibalistic style of capitalism certainly tends to make money at the expense of employees, snipping away health insurance, and the reduced options did kill the man's wife.
He may not have personally made the decision, but this sequence of events epitomizes why Romney would be a terrible president.
Even if it were not so, Carney has no reason to respond to this. As many Republicans have said about many committees, this was not prepared or paid for by the DNC or OFA.
Sounds like another Obama story about his Mother, who died of cancer. Obama's Mom, had insurance which paid the bills, when she was being treated for cancer. Obama used her story to accuse the insurance company of not covering the cost. Sounds like another Axelrod moment.
Squid, please post copies of the receipts or canceled checks. You have straight up lied about what it says in Obama's published books, so I want proof before I even consider this unsubstantiated remark.
(How did you lie? Its all in Gary's back pages. I called you on it at least twice.)
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