
Sunday, August 12, 2012

President Obama Speaks at White House Iftar Dinner

It is the holy month of Ramadan for Muslims worldwide, which calls for fasting during the daylight hours. This week, President Obama held an Iftar dinner for several Muslim dignitaries. Below is his speech.

"That is not just an American right; it is a universal human right. And we will defend the freedom of religion, here at home and around the world. And as we do, we’ll draw on the strength and example of our interfaith community, including the leaders who are here tonight."

Below is a monthly recap of religious intolerance around the world from Bill Warner's Political Islam blog.

One can only hope that the paragraph I excerpted from President Obama's speech above are not just words. If he really wants to engage with the Muslim world, he has a responsibility to speak out on this world-wide persecution. He also has a right to expect the help of his audience in speaking out. Up till now it has not been forthcoming.

1 comment:

Squid said...

This President has proven to be the biggest liar to ever hold the Office. He spews platitudes to the masses who waste their time listening to his manufactured propaganda to fool the people of America. In 2004, he gave a speech that presented unity of America through no color, religion, party or ethnic inequality. Now, as we have all experienced, that was a lie, as he has divided America by color, religious affiliation, party lines, and ethnicity. This is the lie that is Obama and what he said in the Iftar moment is a ploy to get more votes. Here is a site that presents over 70 lies that Obama perpetrated on the American people.

