
Monday, August 13, 2012

Paul Ryan Disrupted at Iowa State Fair

As one who attends a lot of speeches by people I disagree with, I have strong feelings against those in the audience who choose to heckle and disrupt the speaker. That is a tactic I identify with the left, and I think it always discredits those who do it. It happened today in Des Moines while Paul Ryan was speaking at the state fair.

Incredibly, MSNBC pitch man Ed the Oaf Schultz thought it was so cool, he showed it on his show to demonstrate that "the People" in Iowa don't like Ryan. Of course, today is bash Ryan day at MSNBC as all the talking heads are running non-stop attacks on Ryan. How sad to see a major news cable outlet so devoted to one political party and  one candidate they are supporting for re-election.

1 comment:

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I don't know why people feel impelled to do this. Ryan uninterrupted is a much better critique of himself than Ryan interrupted by hecklers.

"The right" used to do this on a large scale, e.g., the Paul Robeson concert in Peekskill. The esthetics are no better when perpetrated by a declasse "left."