Dear Friends and Family,
This past Friday we were called to see if we would sponsor a baby who was born on Wednesday with Transposition of the great arteries. Akram needed to be transported by two different ambulances, one from the West Bank and then another in Israel. We agreed and baby Akram was transported to Wolfson Medical Center where he was stabilized. Yesterday he was scheduled for a lengthy surgery of six hours. The doctor said it was a very difficult case and Akram was struggling to survive late last night. Today when I went to see him he was doing much better and the doctor on staff said he is starting to pull through. If he continues to progress they will extubate Akram and wake him up sometime within the next two days.

Pleases keep baby Akram in your prayers, he has a long way to go!
Grace & Peace,
Hank Dannecker Jr.
1 New Heart
1 New Heart
The website for One New Heart is linked here under Worthy of our support. Learn about this great program and help if you can.
First of all, you are an idiot. The Dannecker family are American missionaries working in Jerusalem. The Israeli doctors work pro bono and the hospital is either Wolfson or Hadasa Hospital. The costs for the hospital are borne by donations. The benefit is that Palestinians are learning one family at a time that Christians and Jews are not the monsters they are led to believe.
And why is this a pressing need? Because congenital heart defects are miles above the world average within Palestinians. And why is that? In-breeding.
And so here comes Anonymous saying it's all lies.
Do yourself a favor, Anonymous. Stay anonymous. It's a smart move.
Gary, there seems to have been a misunderstanding. I really did mean that sarcastically.
There's a running joke among the pro-Israel blogs and their readers, that everything good that happens in Israel is merely "XXXXXXX-washing," especially since that famously idiotic "pinkwashing" op-ed in the New York Times a while back. There's even a blog devoted to it:
Anyway, Gary, I like your blog, and keep up the good work! In the meantime, I'll work on my ability to express sarcasm effectively over teh internets.
There most certainly was, and I apologize for calling you an idiot. A lot of my readers don't get my sarcasm either.
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