Last night, I switched back and forth from Fox News to MSNBC and their coverage of the RNC convention. First of all, I noticed that Fox gave considerably more coverage to the hurricane bearing down on the Gulf Coast than did MSNBC. For the mad-hatters at MSNBC there was little time to be wasted not bashing the Republicans with their ace panel of liberals, Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, Al Sharpton, and that wise old sage of the political wars, Chris Hayes.

Probably the most egregious abuse of journalism by MSNBC was not showing the speeches by Republican minorities, specifically Artur Davis, Mia Love and Ted Cruz. Can't have our minority viewers suddenly realizing that the Republicans are not represented exclusively by old white men, can we?

Of course, Rachel Maddow was quick to condemn Chris Christie's speech in the worst terms because he talked more about himself than the nominee, Mitt Romney. Fox's Chris Wallace did the same. Both apparently have forgotten eight years previous when a little-known politician named Barack Obama spoke mostly about himself at the DNC convention and started his march to the White House. (He never has stopped talking about himself.)
Then there was the Democrat woman on MSNBC, whose name I don't recall, who immediately said Ann Romney came across as "the lady of the house" in her speech.
Chris Matthews? He was Chris Matthews. Who else could he have been? After Ann Romney finsihed her speech and Mitt came onto the staged to hug her, Matthews remarked that he looked as if somebody had wheeled him out there.
That's journalism, folks.
I decided that the MSM was not to my liking in their coverage. I've been watching C-Span's coverage. No commercials, no commentators, just the convention. Every minute of it.
It has been fun to watch.
Please identify in what part of the following the speaker is talking about himself:
"I have news for them. We worship an awesome God in the blue states. And we don't like FBI agents hunting through our library records in the red states."
(If you fall back on the notion that Obama was talking about himself when he mentioned God, you have conceded the point.)
"There are no red states or blue states, there are only the United States of America."
Chris Christie would have gotten a D in forensics. (The speech variety, not the crime scene variety). I don't know why MSNBC bothered to devote time to the soporific Republican speech marathon. It was about as exciting as Lawrence Welk.
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