Chris Matthews has one technique of interviewing; he asks his hardball question then when the person is trying to answer it, he keeps right on talking over the person's answer. Monday, Matthews took on an adversary whose league he (Matthews) is not in. Whether you like Newt Gingrich or hate him, you must concede that he is a sharp thinker and nobody you want to debate. On Monday, he joined Matthews at the Tampa convention where Matthews is holding his "Hardball" show. Matthews tried to nail Gingrich with that Democratic talking point that it is Romney who is playing racial politics. Gingrich was more than up to the task.
Chris Matthews is basically acting as a heckler at the Republican convention. He reminds me of the drunk Irish guy in the East Coast bar who has had too much and tries to pick a fight. The problem is that Chris doesn't have the intellect to win a debate based on reason, so he tries to bully and interrupt his adversary-not let him get in a word edgewise as he piles on the charges. Gingrich refused to let him get away with it.
The fact of the matter is that it is the Democrats, led by President Obama, who are playing the race card in this election. They are painting Romney and the Republicans as people who want to keep blacks and other minorities down-in chains-as Joe Biden said. It is disgusting and disgraceful. How ironic it is that this man named Obama, who ran four years ago on "Hope and Change" as a bi-racial candidate who was going to bring us together, now is running a dirty and divisive campaign based on class and race. And to think that he has a major news network doing his dirty work for him.
Hopefully, Chris Matthews, Obama's number one cheerleader, won't wind up getting kicked out of the convention for being drunk and disorderly.

"Chris Matthews, you've got a weak show."
Thanks for posting this - great stuff (watched it twice!).
During the primary season Matthews said Gingrich is a guy from whom “dogs walk away when they see him." He should have done the same, since Gingrich clearly put him in his place. Would love to see more exchanges between the two, though Matthews may not be so eager to challenge such a superior opponent in the future.
These two guys exemplify the adage, never argue with a fool, people might not be able to tell the difference.
I did notice the Ron Paul sign waving in the background. I didn't see that get the sort of coverage that dissident Democrats got in 1968.
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