
Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Words of Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff

Hat tip Vlad Tepes

Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff is one of the most courageous people in Europe. She is from Austria, and like Geert Wilders of the Netherlands, has been prosecuted in her country for speaking out against Islamic violations of basic freedom. On July 9, she spoke in Brussels in front of the International Civil Liberties Alliance (ICLA) about the death of freedom of speech within the European Union.


elwood p suggins said...

Gary--since I have no other way to contact you, I will do it this way. My sincere thanks for taking care of my dumb errors on multiple postings of the same info and my apologies for your extra work and to all of your other posters/readers. All I can tell you is that I usually get it the first time, when I get a message (in red, I believe) up by the top of your title of the post which says something like my post has been accepted, subject to the approval of the site administrator or whatever (forget the exact wording).

What happened yesterday, and I believe a couple of times previously, I apparently failed to enter the words/numbers correctly, and I get a message (again in red, I believe) down by the box where you type in the post, which says the numbers/word I entered do not match and gives me a new set to prove I am not a robot. Without really thinking about it, I did that several times until I was told I had it right, but then it appears to have entered all of my attempts, which were identical.

Feeling fairly stupid about this, I will make every effort to rectify this in the future and prevent it from happening again, primarily by waiting till the next day or so to see if an apparently unsuccessful post jumps up anyway, prior to any further attempts at the same time.

Gary Fouse said...


This is a part of the blog I never encounter, so my apologies for the problems. Miggie also has occasional problems.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Waaah! Nobody takes my bigotted rants seriously except a blogger in California with five followers! My fee speech has been violated! Waaaah!

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Oh no, I support her right to make a fool of herself without being prosecuted for it. I just object to taking her seriously. Ditto for Collin in Skokie, and George "You can't fight communism if you don't understand that it is Jewish" Lincoln Rockwell.