
Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Ft Hood Report: 13 Dead Thanks to Political Correctness

William Webster's report on the Ft Hood massacre conforms what we all know. Every warning sign and red flag that indicated Major Nidal Hasan had no business in the military was swept under the rug for reasons of political correctness.

This is the same reason that the military has called this atrocity a case of "workplace violence". Instead of calling it what it is-Islamic terrorism- we waste our time keeping our citizens ignorant of the dangers facing us.

So how could the Ft Hood murders  ("workplace violence") have been prevented?

Perhaps employees need more coffee breaks.
More vacation time?
Maybe we should go to a 6-hour work day.
Sensitivity training, perhaps? (Apparently, Hasan was giving the classes.)

Of course, had this incident happened to a military post in Europe, political correctness would have gone even farther. No one would have dared call it what it was lest they be actually prosecuted.

The plain fact is that 13 people are dead-sacrificed on the altar of political correctness- because everyone in the system was deathly afraid of offending Muslims.

The final report can be accessed below.

1 comment:

Squid said...

It goes further than being "P.C." This is a case of government officials having no testicular tissue and spines made of jellyfish juice. Shame on all of them! Hopefully, we will not see more of this "P.C." behavior when it comes to the security of our nation and its defenders. But, I will not hold my breath.
