
Friday, July 20, 2012

The Burgas Bomber Possibly Identified

Hat tip Jihad i Malmo (Sweden) and Tundra Tabloids (Finland)

There are conflicting reports on the identity of the suicide bomber in Bulgaria. Several blogs are quoting an article in the Times of Israel reporting that the suicide bomber in Bulgaria is a Swedish citizen named Mehdi Ghezali, who was formerly being held in Gitmo. US authorities have not confirmed this as of yet. In fact, there have been denials (see below).

Below is Tundra Tabloids' posting (from Finland).

-Tundra Tabloids

It had been previously reported that a Michigan driver's license was recovered form the body of the bomber. The below photo is from Jihad i Malmo.

So as yet, there is no definitive word.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

A Michigan drivers license with an address in Baton Rouge Louisiana? Methinks there has been some creative digital editing going on there.

Miggie said...

I wonder what the Israeli response will be.

It has to be something but not so big as to start a war.

It is tough when you are dealing with crazies on the other side of the table.

elwood p suggins said...

This may be the Democratic solution to voter ID laws/procedures. Would make fraudulent voting much easier when this dude does so in both MI and LA. Pretty smart of them.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yeah elwood, if either state would issue cross=border licenses... My state doesn't do that... does yours?

elwood p suggins said...

Siarlys--do you have a sense of humor?? Just checking. You seem pretty intense all the time.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

elwood, when a joke makes a political point, that point is fair game -- and I've been laughing every time I typed.

Gary says some funny things from a perspective I don't share that make me laugh. I can laugh without agreeing, and disagree without missing the humor.

So... do you have a sense of humor?