
Friday, July 13, 2012

Lawrence O'Donnell's Racial Fantasies

 (Hat tip Daily Caller).

Lawrence O'Donnell, as many of you know, is one of the mad hatters posing as news commentators on MSNBC. After Mitt Romney got booed at the NAACPP: convention, O'Donnell convened a panel of liberals suggesting that Romney had made a calculated ploy to get booed in order to appeal to some "deep racist element" within the Republican party that can't accept the idea of a black president. The "panel" consisted of O'Donnell, Mark Thompson, Goldie Taylor and Toure (with an accent over the e). Don't ask me who they are.

Now you can't even use the term "kitchen cabinet" lest you be called a racist.

I mean is this stretching, or is this stretching? Why don't they accuse him of using Grecian Formula?

And O'Donnell says that Romney is "boring and weird"!

(My apologies to Toure for not inserting that diacritical accent mark over the "e" in his name. Too much work.)


Storm'n Norm'n said...

Ref:"(My apologies to Toure for not inserting that diacritical accent mark over the "e" in his name. Too much work.)"

Actually it is quite easy. Using your keypad numbers (as opposed to the numbers across the top of the keyboard) simply hold the 'ALT' key while entering the appropriate ASCII code number. Examples:
Alt 130 = é
Alt 136 = ê
Alt 137 = ë
Alt 138 = è

Gary Fouse said...

Thanks Norm. I've always wondered about that. Now I can spell Toure,

toure touré.

Got it!

elwood p suggins said...

Gary--I am afraid I have to agree with you,too much work. Now Storm'n has told us how to do it, and it is probably TMI for this old dinosaur. I knew who you were talking about, and substance always beats form by a mile with me.

elwood p suggins said...

P.S.--To think that some (many?? most??) libs/Dems/lefties accuse "birthers", Second Amendment supporters, and the like of paranoia and then react this way in seemingly serious discussions would be funny if it were not so pathetic and ridiculous.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

I'm glad to know elwood doesn't think of me as a liberal/Dem/lefty, since I AM a second amendment supporter. I'm not a birther, because I know President Obama's birth certificate has been released in thousands of certified copies.