It appears we could learn much from the Egyptians, and they could learn much from us when it comes to running elections. For example, we could teach them that dead people can vote, even the long-dead pharoahs.
"Write this down; King Tut, 112 Pyramid Drive, Giza."
We could also teach them that not only Egyptians need vote, but Syrians, Palestinians, Lebanese and Libyans-whoever can get sneak across the border.
It does seem that the Egyptians have learned some of our recent tactics as the article shows us how they blocked off streets where Coptic Christians lived and intimidated those that tried to make it to the polling places..
And you talk about intimidating voters to vote a certain way.
"Whadda'ya mean youse don't wanna vote for da Brotherhood candidate?"
If the Egyptians can block off entire streets and neighborhoods to keep them from voting, why can't we block off entire states from voting-you know, like Texas, Alabama, Mississippi, Oklahoma, and all those other unenlightened red states?
As President Obama says, we can look forward to a long and productive relationship with the new government of Egypt.
On the other hand, elections in Libya seem to be going rather well...
Swimmingly well. The Muslim Brotherhood is taking over that country too. Pity they don't have any pyramids to destroy so they desecrate British army graves from WW 2. No matter. We'll pour in aid there too.
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