Out here in California, our wacko legislature in Sacramento working in harmony with our wacko governor is putting the finishing touches on the dissolution of the state. First of all, our senate has passed a bill that would shield all illegal aliens in the state from turning them over to ICE unless they have been convicted of some "serious" crime.
Wow. While the federal government is now refusing to respond and take custody (or put a hold on) illegal aliens who have been stopped or arrested by Arizona cops (unless they have committed a "serious crime"), California is denying information to the feds of those they have in custody.
Do you think our whole immigration system is broken?
"Uhhh, yeaaaaah."
On the second front, even though California is broke, we have decided that (with federal help, of course) we are going to build a high-speed rail from San Diego to San Francisco and Sacramento. God only knows how much this is going to eventually cost, but we're going to build it, damn it!
So apparently, they are actually going to start this off with a line from Bakersfield to some place this native Californian never heard of called Madera. This is no guarantee this thing will ever go any farther because we simply don't have the money.
That's where we (the tax-payers) come in.
California will make that short line then no more. Cost overruns, union bribes, etc... will keep this boondoggle from being built in full.
If you want something done right ask a private business to do it. For if government does it, it will be done poorly, costing 5 times as much as it should be done.
Mile for mile, the railroad will cost less than building freeways.
Oh, and I know where Madera is. Why don't you? Did you look at a map? How about Google? It's near Chowchilla. It is represented in the state senate and in congress by Republicans. You ought to become more familiar with it.
Here is another Cloward Piven moment to further destroy the already near bankrupt California financial budget. With billions in the hole, the useful idiot Democrats vote for more billions to go into a Black-Hole.
Those of use who live in California see empty trains cruising up and down California. The Amtrak always depends upon subsidy to exist.
I walk a dog, twice a day, for each outing. My course takes my by the train tracks much of the time. I see nearly empty Amtrak trains during the day and with a little more ridership during peek hours.
So, the Democrats are going to build a train that will have very low numbers of riders, which means more subsidies for a high seed train wreck.
By the way, the San Francisco Community college may have to close due to lack of funds, preventing 80,000 students access to an education.
But just think with that line from Madera to Bakersfield, all the time Ma and Pa Kettle will save doing their shopping in Bakersfield.
I never though I'd see the day when Gary would display the ignorance of a UC-Santa Cruz community studies major, and be proud of it. Were you aware that there are lands beyond the Tehachapis that are part of California? OR did you think San Francisco Community College is somewhere between Los Angeles and San Diego?
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