
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Are Jewish Voters Waking Up on the Democratic Party?

My friend and colleague, Rabbi Dov Fischer of Orange County, has written a compelling article on the how the Jewish electorate is waking up to Barack Obama and the Democratic Party. He outlines how Jewish voters historically became attached to the Democrats and how they are finally seeing the light thanks to Barack Obama. This is great reading, and I am proud to cross-post it. (Hat tip to American Thinker)

Since Rabbi Fischer mentions the historic ties of the South to the Democratic party, I have another example to offer. My late mother, who was from North Carolina, was literally born into the Democratic Party, as were most Southerners of her generation. Her father was a local Democratic operative. She spent her entire life voting for Democrats even though she, like most Southerners, held traditional, conservative views. And no-she was not a racist, for racism was never taught to her by her family or friends. Likewise, she never taught me to be prejudiced towards blacks or anyone else.

It was only in her last years, after suffering a debilitating stroke and coming to live with us in California, being exposed to me and a nightly dose of Fox News, that she came to realize that the Democratic Party had left her and her values in the dust.

And so it is, hopefully, with Jewish voters. Granted, many Jews are on the left, and a surprising number do not support Israel. However, it is becoming increasingly evident that President Obama's sympathies lie with Israel's enemies, and some of his supporters have expressed anti-Semitic attitudes-including the Occupy movement, whom I include among Obama's supporters. Many Jews are waking up to the inescapable fact that anti-Semitism is on the march again. In that regard, do they have an ally in the White House-or the Department of Justice? Hardly.

This raises an interesting question that the Obama campaign must be asking; how many demographic groups and states, which Obama carried in 2008, is he going to carry in 2012? Some he will carry again for sure, but how many can he afford to lose?


Findalis said...

As a former liberal and Democrat I can attest that I didn't leave the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party left me.

I've been screaming this for months. My source is the local Hadassah group.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Woman who has suffered debilitating stroke whose subsequent television watching is limited to Fox News comes to late-in-life conclusion that Democrats are evil...

...very compelling story Gary.

Let me be clear: I don't like the Democrats. Republicans are psychopathic, but Democratic leadership are a pack of spineless cowards, afraid of their own shadow, which is why psychos can win elections.

(No doubt the rabbi speaks for his own social circle... to say "this is how Jews think" is hubris at least, racism at worst.)

Gary Fouse said...

"Republicans are psychopathic, but Democratic leadership are a pack of spineless cowards, afraid of their own shadow, which is why psychos can win elections."

Which is exactly what we say about Republicans.

Anonymous said...

Big deal Gary.

So President Obama and the Democrats lose the Jewish vote.

They gain the Hispanic vote in return.

Jews are demographically shrinking in the US. Hispanics are increasing.

Jewish billionaire Sheldon Adelson needs to understand that America is not for sale.

Gary Fouse said...


What do the Hispanics have to do with Obama losing the Jewish vote? What does Adelson have to do with it?

Sounds to me like another anti-Semite-anonymous, as always.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary suffers from Muchausen's paranoia by proxy... He sees anti-Semites under every bed, and he's not even Jewish.