Katie Pavlich, who recently published an expose book on Operation Fast and Furious, has written an article in Townhall concerning alleged retaliation by ATF against agents who complained to Congress about the gun-running operation. This comes in the wake of an agency-wide video by acting director B. Todd Jones warning whistle blowers to stay within the chain of command.
It seems that much like Watergate, Fast and Furious is a scandal that keeps on giving. That's because the cover-up, the stonewalling and the lying continues. Unfortunately, our mainstream media just doesn't want to confront the corruption going on within this administration.
Just because you WANT a scandal of Watergate dimensions doesn't mean that there is one. Huffing and puffing about a run-of-the-mill bureaucratic snafu is not going to blow anyone's house down.
Besides, the alternative to Obama has come down to Romney... there's nothing there.
I understand that ABC just began covering Fast and Furious just a few weeks ago. I suppose they covered it up ... ignored it .... because it just wasn't that helpful to the Cause. They should be honest enough to call it what it is... a propaganda enterprise, NOT a news organization.
Four more years of more of the same Obama policies or most likely more extreme Obama policies (and incompetence) will leave this country and our children and grandchildren or maybe even the next generation in horrendous national debt and an entitlement, dependent, society.
As much as we revere the generation that lived through the Depression, won the War, and built the country... that's how much our descendents will despise us for doing this to them.
Miggie... the truth and the facts are not helpful to your "cause." The public in general can see there's nothing there. No amount of publicity will change that.
Meantime, your favorite Republicans are dedicated to tearing down all that the generation that lived through the Depression and World War II built to put such painful episodes behind them... which might give you pause before you speak on who will despise who for what.
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