There must be some misunderstanding.
Here is a story you didn't hear about on National Public Radio.
(Hat tip to Atlas Shrugs)
As these stories continue to mount from Florida to St Louis, to Buffalo, to Phoenix, to El Cajon, to Houston, and other places, you might wonder, "Where is the National Organization of Women or the Feminist Majority?"
The truth is that they won't touch these stories with a ten-foot pole, just as gay rights groups in the US won't talk about what happens to gays in Iran. It is as if they don't exist.
They ignore these stories because to do otherwise would be politically incorrect. It would be "intolerant". And yet, in ignoring these incidents, they are condemning a certain segment of our population to more and more of these tragedies. It means that a certain segment of our population is not receiving the same level of protection as the rest of us. Yes, the law will punish, but public outrage is also necessary if we are going to put a stop to it. Outrage cannot come if the knowledge doesn't exist.
Is that tolerant?
You prefer lynch law to judicial enforcement?
Or maybe you want mobs to burn out EVERY Arab or Muslim family in the USA, on the theory that "they're all like that." Even the wives and daughters?
Are you serious?
Maybe we shouldn't talk about the wider implications of the Matthew Shepard murder.
Where is NOW (National Organization of Women)?
I don't know Gary. Perhaps there on summer vacation with the Child Welfare folks. Take a look:
How the heck does a "man of God" get herpes anyway?
Wow, Anonymous. You sound like the yahoos at La Voz de Aztlan. They seem infatuated with those kinds of stories too.
Frankly Gary, that's EXACTLY what I said about the Matthew Shepard murder. No, you don't get brownie points because the deceased was gay, you committed murder, period. The only time motive should be an issue is if they raise it as a defence, and then it gets shot down.
Mr fouse do you think it is ever okay for a jewish rabbi or any other adult to put their mouth on the genitals of a child?
then why do you support judaism and why are you nasty to earlier commentators (siarly and anonymous)?
would you deny it if i characterized you as one who is fighting anti-jewish sentiment and promoting anti-muslim/anti-islam sentiment?
It's a fair question. I do feel I draw a line between criticizing certain aspects of Islam that have more to do with a political ideology of dominance that Islam as a religion. The worship of God is fine. Considering Mohammed as the final prophet is fine. Praying 5 times a day is fine. Persecuting non-Muslims in Muslim majority countries is not fine. Death for apostates is not fine. Death for gays is not fine. Death for adulterers is not fine. Honor killings are not fine.
The fact is that most of the anti-Semitism in Europe and other parts of the world is stoked by Muslims.
So is it bigotry to speak out about these things? I think not.
Where I draw the line is hatred against ordinary Muslims as people. Muslims must realize, however, as long as this insanity, violence and jihad continues around the world, they will always be viewed with suspicion. You cannot expect people not to react negatively. As for those Islamists who think Islam will dominate the world and impose their rules either through violence or by peaceful means, they will be fought.
I hope that clarifies things.
But Gary, you insult Jews all the time... the Jews you don't approve of.
I insult individual Jews and certain organizations. I also insult folks like Al Sharpton. That doesn't make me anti-black.
Then by your own terms, your comments should be deleted.
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