
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Walker Wins-MSNBC in Mourning

"I'm mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore."

The mood was somber last night at MSNBC as Governor Scott Walker of Wisconsin not only survived a recall, he blew away the unions and their candidate Tom Barrett. Poor Ed "Boom-Boom" Schultz, who had gone out to the Badger State to actually be on the scene of the "great victory" for working Americans, had to report back to Ron Reagan look-a-like Rachel Maddow that in spite of his best efforts (Ed), Big Out-of-State Money had won out over small money unions, Mom, and  Bill Clinton. Yes, folks, it was a dark day for Wisconsinites and workers. (Apparently, it was a good day for playboys and other people of leisure who had nothing better to do yesterday than vote.)

Then there is this boffo statement from Schultz:

"Walker may very well be indicted in the next few days."

Such is the level of discourse at MSNBC.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Well, he may indeed be indicted. A criminal conspiracy was running out of his office, within twenty-five feet of his desk, by his own hand-picked aides.

But MSNBC should be doing penance. Their mentality helped make this happen.

Findalis said...

If they are mourning over Walker just wait until Obama loses in November. The tears will flood the studio.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Why Findalis, did you miss the report that exit polls, which correctly predicted Walker's win, showed a majority favorable to President Obama? Never try to reduce an American voter to a stereotype. Democrats and Republicans have both paid dearly for it.

Walker should have been a pushover, but Barrett was, quite predictably, even more of one.

elwood p suggins said...

Help me here, I certainly may have missed it, but I simply unable to recall hearing/seeing/knowing anything about any of Walker's hand-picked aides being indicted/convicted. When?? And for what?? Etc., etc.

You gotta watch out for those conspiracies, remember that Bill Clinton was the target of a vast right-wing conspiracy which did not work out too well.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

A fair question elwood, and I appreciate your candor in admitting you have no idea what is going on in Wisconsin.

You could start here:

There is a link in the article to further coverage. You could google any news source you consider reputable. Try the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel. We hear about it every week. It may not be news in California.